The health and safety for our event attendees, exhibitors and sponsors remains the utmost concern and priority for Clean Gulf. In an effort to maintain the health and well-being of all at our events, we are committed to following the guidelines put in place by the CDC, the U.S. Travel Association, state and local governments. We are currently in the planning stages and the team will be working closely with the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and all of our event vendors to ensure the strictest safety protocols are in place to keep our attendees and partners safe. We recognize that the situation is everchanging and that all events/venues are different, so we will be adapting our protocols constantly and updating our participants on specific safety measures along the way.
The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center is proud to have received the Global BioRisk Advisory Council (GBAC) Accreditation. GBAC is a division of International Supply and Sanitary Association (ISSA), the worldwide cleaning association. This accreditation program assesses cleaning and disinfection practices and infectious-disease prevention. GBAC is currently the industry’s only accreditation for outbreak prevention, response and recovery establishing requirements to control risks associated with infectious agents, such as the virus that causes COVID-19.
The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center’s number one priority is the health and safety of guests, employees, and partners. The Center has taken proactive measures in response to this rapidly evolving situation and continually monitor information from various resources. The Center is ready to work with meeting planners to develop plans and procedures specific to each event. Current guidelines encompass information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Texas Governor’s Office, City of San Antonio Health Department, and International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM).
Current safety measures in place at this point include:
- Attendees are highly recommended to wear face masks or coverings over their mouth and nose, regardless of vaccination status, when in the facility. Face masks will be provided for any attendee who needs one.
- Prior to arriving to the event, attendees will be reminded that if they are ill or have recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19 not to attend the event.
- If an attendee becomes ill during the event, they will be asked to immediately go to the designated First Aid location.
- UV Lighting has been installed on escalator hand rails for additional sanitation purposes.
- Increased fresh air exchange and air flow within the building and incorporated higher performing air filters.
- Ventilation standards were adjusted for increased outside air intake/air change rates.
- The frequency of sanitizing has been increased in all front and back of house spaces with an emphasis on high touch point areas such as guest services areas, podiums, trash and recycle receptacles, light switches, countertops, desks, telephones, keyboards, seating areas, chairs, tables, restrooms, elevator buttons, door handles, telephones, ATM machines, etc.
- All cleaning products used are on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list for use against COVID-19 and follow product instructions for use.
- Custodial managers and supervisors were trained by the International Sanitary and Supply Association (ISSA) on improved cleaning procedures and a comprehensive training program has been administered to custodial staff.
- Hand sanitizing stations and wipes are located strategically throughout the facility.
- New touchless items were installed including auto flush valves enhancing the touchless faucets, forearm door pulls, and light/power sensors.
- New automatic entry doors were installed at the Main Lobby entrance.
- Plexi-glass/physical barriers may be present in selected areas.
- Signage is prominently displayed in facilities with CDC protocols for hand washing.
- Physical and digital signage have been placed in appropriate areas to promote directional information and hygiene practices in common areas, elevators, lobbies, hallways, breakrooms, bathrooms, workspace areas, and vehicles.
- The RK Culinary Group are focused on the precautions, sanitation, preparation, safety and appropriately servicing of guests while following all the recommendations from the State and the CDC.
- All outside vendors, service providers and contractor are required to follow the established new protocols and provide any additional measures.